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Job seekers

Tāngata whai mahi

Are you looking to return to work, or find a job?

Everyone hopes for a future filled with promise. But for some of us, personal or health challenges can put those hopes on hold – including around employment.

The important thing to know is that being unwell doesn’t mean you can’t work. Most people who experience mental health issues want to work and can work. In fact, having a paid job is often a key part of getting well and staying well.

You may have different needs at this time and need support to help you return to work. Workwise can provide that support.

“Mā te mahi ka tino ora. Work brings health.”

Your employment consultant / kairapu tūranga mahi will help you to:

  • establish your work preferences and create employment goals, with a plan to achieve those goals
  • sort out any problems you see in returning to work
  • job search
  • work out how to manage your health while working
  • co-ordinate with your health team and other supports around returning to work
  • hold onto hope by being your cheerleader!

Please give us a call

We know everyone has skills, talents and potential. We know that good work really does matter; it helps people and communities to flourish.

Just give us a call or use our online Employment support form to get started. You can make an enquiry yourself, or on someone’s behalf, and someone from Workwise will get in touch with you.

We also welcome referrals from community mental health providers, GPs, Work and Income, and other support service providers.

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Workwise Employment Ltd is part of the Wise Group. Copyright ©2025