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31 July 2023

What we heard from people using Workwise services

What we heard from people using Workwise employment support services in 2023

This year’s “Are we working for you?” survey gathered feedback from people during March 2023. We wanted to hear directly from people so that we can improve our services and enable their voices to contribute to future developments.

This year we followed a new approach for our survey:

  • Survey questions were refreshed and simplified, encouraging people to make comments
  • Demographic questions were omitted to reduce the survey length and make it easier to complete
  • An additional question was asked so that we could understand people’s preferences on how they prefer to meet, post-COVID
  • The survey could be filled out as a hard copy form or online
  • Employment consultants invited people to complete the feedback survey, usually at their face-to-face meetings
  • A link to the online form was sent via email and text message to reach approximately 1,500 people
  • Spot prizes were offered to people who completed the survey online.

Here’s what people said:

“My employment consultant gives me hope that I am a worthy person and will get a job”

“Workwise listened to what I would like to be and believed in my goals”

“I have felt safe in sharing information throughout the time with my employment consultant. My voice has always been heard and respected”

This is what we heard about what could be improved:

  • General feedback about my employment consultant and the employment support service
  • Sometimes my employment consultant could be more responsive, reliable and available
  • Make it easier for me to access information and look for work when I have difficulty understanding things, or a disability
  • The process takes a long time, is confusing and there is a lot of paperwork
  • Give me more help with job searching and information about different industries

Download the PDF to read about the actions we will take.

Further information

The campaign ran for three weeks during March 2023. A total of 223 responses were received (80% online and 20% hard copy), with a response rate of 15%. This was a big increase on 2020 and 2021.

We also received great feedback and ideas about what we are doing well and what could be done better. It gives us a chance to see our work through the eyes of people using our services – and we have already started on actions we can take to make changes and improve our service.

Congratulations to the spot prize winners from Auckland, Waikato/Thames, Whanganui and Wellington! We sincerely appreciate all of the people who took the time to share their thoughts with us.

Download the PDF to read the full results.

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