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21 September 2022

Sharing Workwise results for 2021-2022

Workwise is pleased to share our results for the financial year ending June 2022, including a reflection on the year that has passed and key highlights.

Workwise is pleased to share our results for the financial year ending June 2022.

We reflect on the year that has passed, which carried many challenges and uncertainties with the impacts of COVID-19 on our organisation, our service and most importantly on the people that we support. Wherever possible, our focus has been on keeping people and whānau safe.

At the same time, we have witnessed a very strong labour market, with people making personal and professional changes, and businesses in need of good workers.

“Our service has always been about wellbeing, to enable people to live better lives. At Workwise, employment is a tool that can help achieve change for people, as they want to take this step” says Warren Elwin, Chief Executive.

Predominantly, the people we supported were those using specialty mental health and addiction services.

Despite the experiences of COVID-19 that have been felt by all, it has been a good year for people we supported to find work or start training. More people entered full-time work (more than 30 hours per week). For employers, this can be of huge benefit to their business.

Increasing access to our services and employment outcomes for Māori is a priority for us. Overall, we have seen a good proportion of Māori receiving employment support and securing jobs but in some regions, these results could be better.

“We are committed to embracing change and envisaging how we can work together in new ways, as well as building on our 20 years of experience working alongside both the health and social services sectors” says Warren.

Highlights include:
  • We worked with 2,300 tāngata whai ora (people seeking wellness) to find and keep a job.
  • A high number of jobs (and other placements) were secured, a total of 1,200 placements for the year.
  • People using our services are youthful and 66% of them were under 40 years of age.
  • 66% of jobs secured were full-time and this trend is moving upwards.

We couldn’t have achieved these outcomes without our service partners and we acknowledge the many community mental health and addiction teams, whānau, employers, government agencies and community organisations that we work alongside.

“Jobs are making a difference. We acknowledge the tāngata whai ora who have taken steps on their employment journey. Even a small milestone can be a big achievement and source of pride and confidence,” says Warren.

0 people

total people we worked with

0 referrals

new referrals accepted

0 placements

total work, study or other placements secured

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